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When Should a Gauge Chart Be Used?


There is a lot of data out there, and as a business owner, you need to be able to visualize it in order to make informed decisions. Data visualization allows you to see the big picture and spot trends and patterns that you may not have been able to see if you were only looking at the data in raw form. Data visualization can help you identify opportunities and make predictions about what may happen in the future. It can also help you troubleshoot problems and optimize your business processes.

There are different ways to visualize data, depending on the type of data and what you want to see. With numerical data, you can use a bar chart or line chart. With categorical data, you can use a pie chart, and with data that has a known range, you can use a gauge chart. Keep reading to learn more about gauge charts and the answer to the question, when should a gauge chart be used?

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What is a gauge chart?

A gauge chart, also known as a speedometer chart, is a graphical representation of data that shows how a particular variable changes over time. Gauge charts are created by plotting a line or curve on a graph that represents the variable of interest. Data points are then added to the graph to indicate the value of the variable at a specific point in time. The size and shape of the gauge chart’s markers can vary depending on the type of data being displayed.


When creating a gauge chart, start by selecting the correct type of gauge chart for your data and label the axes of the chart according to the units of measure being used. Plot each data point on the chart using a symbol that is easy to identify. For example, use different colors or shapes for each data point. If you have more than one series of data, use different symbols for each series so that they can be easily distinguished from one another. Use a legend to explain the meaning of each symbol in the chart, and add any additional notes or comments about your data as needed. The most important aspect of gauge chart formatting is ensuring that the data points are clearly identifiable and easily readable.

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When should a gauge chart be used?

Gauge charts are a popular choice for displaying real-time information, as they allow the viewer to see how the variable changes over time. They can be especially useful for monitoring the progress of a task or the status of a system, as they provide a quick and easy way to see how things are currently performing.

A gauge chart is used to display the current value of a variable against a target or range of values. The variable can be anything from temperature to speed to volume. When using a gauge chart, it is important to keep in mind three key best practices:

  • Use a gauge when you want to track progress toward a goal. A good example of this would be tracking how much money has been raised toward a fundraising goal.
  • Use a gauge when you want to compare two or more values. For example, you could use a gauge to compare the average speed of two different drivers over the course of their trip.
  • Use accurate and up-to-date data for your gauge chart. This will ensure that your viewers are getting the most accurate information possible.
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Overall, gauge charts should be used when there is a need to track and compare data points over time. These charts can be helpful for determining whether or not a goal has been met and for identifying trends.

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